



                                  ... Searching for gigs is pretty simple, you just google it and there are a thousand options to choose from, getting a gig isn't, as there are ten thousand people in the same profession. Destiny shut the laptop and got up from the chair, yawning, as she head toward the kitchen platform. She poured herself some coffee and walked toward the window, opening it, she was greeted by a cold breeze which felt so relaxing and a sky gradient with pretty morning colors. She set her coffee mug and looked out the window. It had been a week since she failed her first gig, a week since the last talent round that didn't go so well, would she even qualify? And then...what if she didn't? What next? What was the Plan B. Destiny took a sip while she was engrossed in these thoughts...

'There's no plan B',she thought.She had never thought about what else could be done if modelling and Miss Photogenic didn't work out. Go back to the bar-code scanning job? They would be happy to take her back as an employee but then where was the progress she had aimed for? She sighed, self doubted and befuddled. Sure, Edwin had been a great help for her, he sent her new modeling gigs almost daily but then he had his own work to do. Being assigned as the creative head of something as huge as the pageant was no small task and he had been super busy in general the last week.

"Dez?", a weak voice greeted her.It was Mrs. Decker.She examined the wall clock which showed six fifteen.

"You are up early?", her voice was hoarse.

"I slept pretty early last night, mom, you don't seem well?"

"It's just cough and bad throat, I'm fine."

"In no way are you going to the bakery today.".Mrs. Decker smiled weakly,

"There are two important orders today and I cannot leave Delzi alone".Destiny set the coffee mug on the table,

"I can go.".Her mom looked at her,confused.

"Mom, come on, it isn't like I don't know how to ice cakes or set the oven.".Mrs. Decker sighed,

"It was in high school, Dez..."

"I do know how to do to all that!",Destiny said, getting up."I'll go today, okay? Don't worry, mom! Mrs. Delzi won't be disappointed!"

"Has she ever been disappointed with you?",Mrs. Decker said, managing a little coughy laugh.

"See? Now you go and rest and let me manage the day!"

   The bakery Mrs. Decker worked at was set in the corner end of a tiny street, the space was pretty limited too but nonetheless it was a cute blue shop. Destiny parked her bike and went inside.Mrs. Delzi was busy making arrangements for the dough when Destiny came from behind and almost scared her, leaving her wide eyed and breathless.

"Now, now, Decker, that wasn't funny!",she said giving Dez a headshake and hiding a smile, while Destiny laughed her heart out.

"Sorry Mrs. Delzi but I couldn't stop myself!",she said, still giggling.She smiled and said,

"So, Dez, what brings you here today, fancy seeing you! Or should I be calling you Miss. supermodel! You were amazing on the ramp!"

"Mom isn't well, so I thought I'll take her place today and no, Mrs, Delzi, you needn't call me a supermodel or anything but Thankyou!"

"She isn't well, what happened?",Mrs.Delzi asked, concerned. They both weren't best friends or anything but they surely were the best colleagues.One always supporting another despite anything.

"Oh it's just cough and cold, she'll be well, don't worry! Mrs. Delzi, what do we need to do today?"

"Today we've got two very large orders, one's a birthday cake, it's ready, just needs some decoration and icing and the second's a wedding cake.",she said, passing Dez a fresh apron and a toque.

"Cool, let's get to work!", Destiny replied, wearing the apron and the cap.This shop was one of the most popular bakeries of Amsterdam, people, no matter belonging to which category, always came there due to it's wonderful taste and affordable prices.Destiny was preparing the icing cone when she heard a bell.The customers usually rang the bell which was placed just at the counter to place an order.

"Dez, can you please-"

"Sure!",she said, before Mrs. Delzi could even complete the statement as she ran out.

"Yes sir?",she questioned to an old man who was looking through the display.

"You are new here?",he asked, seemed like he's an almost daily customer.

"No, no, just here for the day, how may I help you?",Destiny smiled.

"Is the oat cake available today?"

"Just a second!",she said, rushing inside and asking the same to Mrs. Delzi who guided her throughly as Destiny packed the cake pieces inside the box.The old man paid the bill as Dez handed him the box.

"Have a good day!",she said, rushing inside again, remembering how Edwin once came to the bakery.'What if he came today as well?!'

'No, Dez, we are not getting into that!', her mind said, as she continued the icing.

     It was around 11.30 and she was just finishing up the cake with last minute sprinkles and decorations, when she heard the bell ring again.

"Dez, I think they are here to pick the birthday cake order, still just confirm who's it while I pack the cake, you are done icing, right?",she said as she landed her eyes over the cake,"Oh,Dez! It's so pretty! You still remember the skills and you-"

TRINGGG',the bell went again.Whoever was the customer were impatient and restless.

"COMING!",Destiny said, running out the kitchen and she was stunned to see who she was facing and so were they.

"You? Here? Like, hey. I could just somehow see you know. You surely do belong here.", she said, her eyes now on Destiny's cheek as she spoke. The last thing Destiny wanted to do was start an argument, here, in the shop, so she rolled her eyes and didn't say a word, walking back into the kitchen, touching her cheeks to inspect what got Stephanie so interested. It was pink icing Destiny had mistakenly got on her cheeks.

"Birthday cake order, is it?I've packed it up, the payment was done in advance, just hand them the box?". Destiny took a deep breath,

"Mrs. Delzi, can you-",she said and stopped her sentence midway when her eyes landed on the dough she was kneading. Sure, she couldn't go with the dough hands and hand over the package, which meant, Destiny had to face her! She went out again,

"How may I help you?", she questioned, not looking at her. She hadn't even ask her whether was she here to collect the birthday cake order or something else.

"Get off the catwalk, maybe?", she replied and Destiny couldn't help but look at her.She looked pretty with her hair left open, she wore an orange tank top with some lip gloss and she was smiling.

"Or No, wait!", Stephanie said, smiling, and raising a finger, "Now, look how pretty you look with this apron and the toque?".It was taking Destiny everything to maintain her calm.She folded her hands and looked her square in the eye,

"We have a lot of work to get done, so, ma'am will you please let me know how may I hep you or may I go back to my work?"

"Oh-oh, workaholic, huh? Oh by the way, I got to know you are looking out for gigs?". Destiny couldn't believe what she heard. How did she know? She hadn't spoken about it to anyone other than the people she was close to! Ignoring Destiny's puzzled look, she went on,

"You know what? I'll give you a tip! Where is that necklace from? I've seen it quite a lot around.", she questioned, pointing to the swan necklace.

"So go and ask the people you've been seeing around?", Destiny snapped back.

"Trust me, girl, if the agencies see you wearing a free pendant from the fair...they'll never hire you. Thank me later for the advice, now go and get my order, will you?"

"You know, Stephanie, I-",Destiny began when Mrs. Delzi came outside with the packaged cake, giving Destiny a question marked face.

"Ma'am, here's your order.", she smiled, giving it to Stephanie while Destiny went inside the kitchen. She was in no mood to look anymore at Stephanie's face which always beamed with evil pride.

"Seems like I've seen that girl somewhere?"

"Oh, yes, she's a competitor for the paegant too.", Destiny said, opening her selfie camera and examining her face for any more icing.

"Looks like a good one, pretty good looking, huh."

"Sure.", Destiny muttered, "what next Mrs. Delzi? Are we done with the wedding cake order or do you need help?"

"We are almost there! Just need to add the completed fondant  on the top.Can you get them, Dez? They are in the refrigerator toward the counter."

"Sure.", she said and came out. She opened the refrigerator and carefully took the fondant pieces out when she heard the bell again, as she turned, she saw a woman, her hair dyed red, and she was smiling at Destiny.

"You, by no means look fit to work here!", she said, enthusiastically. What was going on and what did people want!

"What do you mean?"

"I mean look at yourself in the mirror! My dear! Such pretty features! Dazzling eyes you've got! Are you a model?", she sort of whispered the last sentence.Dez nodded.

"FANTAAASTIC! Will you work for our company then? There's a project as we've launched our new set of cosmetics and we are in need of models! Absolute beauties just like you, to be the face of our newly launched goodies!!! Here's my card,",she said, placing it on the counter."Tomorrow, morning nine A.M. will be a short interview session! Do come it'd be lovely seeing you, but now I must go as I have so much to do! See you, do come!!",she said and walked away.Destiny was left awe-struck.Like woah!, did that just happen? Just this morning she was worrying about it and boom! Destiny took the card on the counter and went inside taking the fondant pieces to Mrs. Delzi.

                                                                         TO BE CONTINUED...

Do let me know what do you think about the story so far...suggestions, reviews n comments are always appreciated🖤

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