Incredible monsoons are here!

                  Happiness is....munching WADAPAV on a heavy rainy day!💜💜💜

  NO,Happiness is....munching wadapav+hearing the splish splash of heavy rains+sitting in the balcony!😜

 Hello all!Since we are into the monsoon mood,I decided to post something related to the season.What can be better than enjoying a hot wadapav on a  heavy rainy day?....I have always felt like monsoon is my second favourite season,first one being the colds but I think I have changed my mind now!....a quick story from last year....

           It was a normal school day and there were heavy showers that day.I woke up to get ready and then there was a message from school which said,school's off today due to heavy rains!My joy knew no bounds...that day I prepared wadapav for breakfast and had a wonderful time looking at the rains,enjoying the heavenly weather and eating as well!

           This was just a quick and fun read related to the present season☔!Hope you enjoyed reading!!!Bye!

(P.S:Let me know in the comment section which one of the following is your favourite:Wadapav/Samosapav/Bhajiyapav?Mine is wadapav!!)



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