College Diaries.



                ...The same evening, as one of Ethan's relatives, congratulated me, I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around, it was Ethan.

"Hmm?", I asked. He turned me around by my shoulder and what I saw or should I say, 'whom' I saw freaked the hell out of me. It was mom. My mom. She had tears in her eyes but those tears didn't look sad ones they were happy and sparkly tears. She was dressed in a black blazer and skirt. For once, she had a broad smile on her face when she looked at me and me being a nut, I didn't know how to react. I looked behind for Ethan and saw him smiling at me from a distance away. Mom held my hand, after which she quickly hugged me and kissed my forehead.

"Daisy! I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry!!! I know you hate me, don't you?".Seeing her teary-eyed made my heart a little weak which led to tears in my eyes as well.

"Mom, no!!! I love you! And I'm glad you're here...with me...with us and mom? I'm so sorry for being a nut and saying Yes to a boy you didn't-", I was about to complete my sentence when she quickly covered my mouth, shook her head, and smiled,

"He's a gem, Daisy and you're my gem...this is just the perfect match of two gems!", she said.'Am I dreaming or something?!', I thought to myself.

"Are you serious?", I asked.

"I very much am!"

"Mom? Do you love me?".She hugged me once again and said,

"Well, that's a nonsense question! I loved you and I will love you forever....just because of my shift of mind, you didn't see it...I am sorry..."

"Don't say sorry again, mom!", I replied and then I heard Ethan coming forward. I turned,

"Daisy...Misses Rosa loves me ten times more than she loves you!", he said, his brown eyes shining with charm and humor on his face. I gave him a puzzled look.

"Prove it!", I said.

"Oh, God! You just said ten days back that your mom hates me ten times more than she hates you...but today? Today, things have changed so?", he replied. I laughed and said,

"You have a good memory indeed!".I looked around to see the crowd less in number.

"Where's everybody going?", I questioned, looking at Ethan. He smiled and held my hand,

"For surprise number two!"

                                                                                       TO BE CONTINUED...

MY INSTGARM-@mehrchougle


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